
Twitter/Facebook Screen

You can post the difference between the previous measurement, remainder to reach the target weight, or the weight itself, etc. to Twitter and/or Facebook. If you do not have an account, create here for Twitter or here for Facebook!

Sharing your progress with Twitter/Facebook is a good way to keep yourself motivated.

Press the Twitter/Facebook button on the graph screen to open.

When you use this function for the first time, you will be asked to login to either Twitter or Facebook. (This process is needed only once.)

If you choose Twitter, the following login screen will show up. Type in the login info and tap on the “Authorize app” button.

*This app only uses your Twitter account to posts tweet.

If you choose Facebook, the following login screen will show up. Type in the login info and tap on “Login” button.

Once you’ve authorized this app, the following screen appears.

You can choose to:

Switch to include/exclude weight value in the content.
Switch to include/exclude Body Fat % value in the content.
Switch to include/exclude BMI value in the content.
Switch to include/exclude number of continuous dates in the content.
Switch to include/exclude the difference from the previous measurement in the content.
Switch to include/exclude the difference from the reference data in the content.
Switch to include/exclude the remainder to the target weight in the content.
Switch to include/exclude the note on this measurement. You need to make a note in advance to turn on this button.
Short Message
Use short message format to save number of letters.
Twitter Button
Login to/Logout from your Twitter account.
Facebook Button
Login to/Logout from your Facebook account.

You can add/edit freely in the text box and press OK to post.

If you would like to cancel, press the left arrow button.

*The hash tag #simpleweight and a shorten URL to this website will be automatically included in the tweet.