Here are the frequently asked questions. If you find a problem, going trough the following contents will help you to quickly solve your problem.

If you still cannot find the answer, please feel free to contact us.

Q. I don’t hear the push sound when I press the “.” (decimal dot) button… Why?

A. In most of the cases, the decimal dot is input automatically and not necessary to press. For example, if you would like to type “65.4kg”, you just need to press the num button 6→5→4. This little automation makes a big difference in you daily input!

Q. How can I adjust the sound volume?

A. You can adjust the sound volume with the volume setting of the iOS. If you would like to use the volume button of the iPhone/iPod touch, open the “Settings” app and go to “Sound”, then turn ON the “Change with Buttons” sitch. If you would like to mute, turn OFF the “Sound” in SimpleWeight in-app settings.

Q. Is there a limitation in the graph display?

A. No. Although the maximum range that can be displayed in once screen is 1 year, you can scroll to view any number of data with no limitation. Your data belong to you, and so we think it’s important to be able to record without worrying about the future.

Q. How can I delete all the records and start over?

A. To delete all the data, please follow the direction written in this page. All the data including the passcode will be deleted. Once you delete all the data, you cannot get the data back, so please do so with care!

Q. Can I see the weight values in a list view?

A. In “SimpleWeight”, we think it’s important to focus on the “trend”, rather than the actual values, and designed the app to focus on it. If you really want to see the list of the numbers, you can see the data in the spread sheet by exporting the data to Google Document.