Config Screen
To update the app settings, tap on the config button on the input screen.

You can change the following settins:

- Height
- Enter your height. This is used to calculate BMI.
- Height Unit
- Select one of “cm” or “ft”*.
- Target Weight
- Enter your target weight.
- Target Weight Unit
- Select one of “kg” or “lb”.
- Body Fat %
- Turn on to enable body fat percentage recording.
- Pass Code Lock
- Turn on to set a pass code for lock.
- Event Note
- Turn on to enable Event Note function.
- Women’s Note
- Turn on to enable Women’s Note function.
- Theme
- Switch design theme.
*If you choose “ft” unit for height, either the form of 5’5″ (5 feets and 5 inches), 5.417 or 5,417 is accepted. (These three are evaluated as the same value.)
*If you choose “cm” unit for height, either the form of 165.1 or 165,1 is accepted.
*After entering your height and move to the weight field, the target weight is automatically filled with the value based on the standard BMI (BMI=22) for your height.
*If your target weight is over 10 lbs (or 5 kg) lower than the current weight, it is recommended to set the target weight 10 lbs below the current for now and change it little by little to get better graph gauge interval.
System Setting App

Open the Settings app and find the SimpleWeight setting item.

Tap on it and you’ll see the “Delete All Data”, “Settings”, and “Version” items.

Turn on/off “Sound” switch to change the sound setting.
To delete all data, select “Delete All Data”. Next time you open the app, you will be confirmed to delete all data.

Select “Delete All Data” if you are sure you want to delete all data. Note that once you delete all the data, it is not possible to recover. Select cancel if you don’t want to delete.